This Pandemic Empower Yourself
We are often told to become independent. Empower means to increase the power, degree of autonomy to the person or an organization. This pandemic has tested our patience, our limits and what not. So, Why is this so important that people are writing books about it? there are talks shows about it…also you can judge a community by how much it helps in empowering its people. Let us have a look in simplified way. E.M.P.O.W.E.R E : EXERCISE, EATING, ENGAGEMENT M : MONEY P: POWER OF THOUGHTS O: OUTING W : WORK E: EARTH R: RESOURCES, REGARD FOR YOURSELF E: Exercise: Exercise involves aerobics, outdoor workout etc. which involves a physical workout. To simplify, I have kept yoga under this category. As a matter of fact, your workout plans could be 5 days a week or daily with moderate to intense physical activity. It could be stretched to any 1-2 hours (just an estimate) depending upon your strength and stamina. On the other hand, Yoga involves stretching of body involving various p...