
Showing posts with the label communication

10 Things that makes Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) happy

I love coffee and tea. Any time you ask me for coffee, my answer will be yes! Coffee and tea are my vice. Recently, I have researched a lot about Highly Sensitive Person  (HSP)  and found out I am an  HSP . Getting  overwhelmed  in just another expression for me and believe it or not many people like me are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine,  Oh no! Not to worry  :)  My Previous Blog post (      where I have discussed Being an HSP and now it is my responsibility to bring out another blog post about '10  Things that  make s HSP happy '   A Quiet Place : Be it their bedroom or a holiday place. Reading a book or listening to music and retreating themselves make them happy as a child. Be in Touch with their  INNER-SELF : Reflecting upon self, journalism helps them to connect with their inner-self, wh...

PROXEMICS : A Relationship Dynamic

During this covid-19  Pandemic , staying at home and practicing social distancing has made me realize space/distance acts as major factor in interpersonal communication , Proxemics is one study which tells a lot about it, I have researched about it and so below are my thoughts .. Ever wondered how you can identify who is dominant or boss in office or at home or in a relationship. Just a simple observation and you can click this in just a second. Look at below pictures One thing is common how everything is pointed at that one person, at whom everyone is paying attention may be during presentation or at dinner table. How much work space along with personal space you have been provided for example your manager gets a separate room facing the window from where he /she can look at everyone working. Ever wondered why you have a say or two while watching your favorite show on TV? or a movie ? Ever wondered why only that particular person is allowed to sit on one chair fac...